04 November 2008

My friends: the physicist and the urban planner

This fine Saturday morning, I am being entertained by an exchange occurring between two friends on FB. It's too good not to share.

"Hey man, you look really hot in your profile picture. Are you open to dating? I have some friends who want to go out with you. What kind of car do you drive again?"

"There is no way you take the bus in LA. That's only for immigrants and mental patients."

"Remember that time you were listening to the Smiths and then you started crying and I asked you what was wrong and you said you wished you were Mexican? That was cool."

"Remember that time we were driving late at night and you were talking about karate and then you hit a dog and I was going to bury it but you said "No! Wait!" and you put it in a bag and took it home? What ever happened to that dead dog?"

"You're a Duke now? Did you marry a duchess? Pimp."

The take of a Chinese American tween living in Los Angeles