25 March 2008

something warm please

i do not drink coffee, but i go to starbucks just about everyday. it has become quite the pathetic habit.

i neglected to prepare oatmeal for breakfast this morning. so, right around 10 am, i started to feel hungry. dreading the prospects of yet another day of pre-packaged lunch from starbucks, a quick and convenient choice i have defaulted to for the past consecutive four work days, i began considering the endless options of food i might have. the list runs endless here in LA--japanese curry, korean tofu, chinese dim sum, mexican tamales--thoughts of all of this warm goodness had my mouth watering.

as i am coordinating my lunch plans, a few minutes after 11 am, i am asked to help with a task that delays my fooding for another hour. and because i am just famished by the time i can leave to purchase nourishment, i again walked up the street to the neighboring starbucks i oh so wanted to avoid earlier in the day. turkey avocado club, that's all the hotness i got out of this day's lunch.

21 March 2008

enough to change

i am chinese from taiwan.

for many of you who do not follow Taiwanese politics, that statement hardly means anything. but for the few who do, it reveals so much.

that single comment will tell you with 95% confidence that my family is from Northern Taiwan, most likely from the city of Taipei. it discloses part of my family history. but above all else, that single comment announces, without equivocation, my political views and alliances.

saturday, the coming night hours on this side of the Pacific, marks the presidential election in my country of origin. much is on the line, and i cannot but feel that a certain candidate must win. so, tonight as i am unwinding with my usual Friday night routine, i will be wondering, as my parents watch with much anticipation, if enough is really enough.

20 March 2008


car: "chan. how'd you get that last name?"

jas: "from my dad. he's cantonese american."

car: "oh really. what is your mom?"

jas: "full blood salvadorian."

car: "wow. how did they meet?"

jas: "at a liquor store."

(much laughter)

car: "really?"

jas: "yep."

car: "i guess they had a common interest."

jas: "my dad owned a liquor store and my mom went there to buy things."

car: "oh really. like milk?"

jas: "honestly, i don't want to know."

12 March 2008

math tutoring and self help books

the ads displayed with the email i just read predicts that i am in need of math tutoring and self help books.

if only we could all be as smart as google algorithms.

06 March 2008

c wu

mr. cho wu is the straight shooting 63 year old taiwanese man who holds the approval stamp for all payment requests issued by my department. he shares an office with a caucasian man by the name of john hackl, a CPA turned accounting systems administrator extraordinaire. the second time i ever had the pleasure of meeting them, while there were no other people in their office, they urged me to find a "real" job.

thirty minutes ago, i had this exchange with mr. wu.

c wu: you don't need to be a genius from ucla to do this correctly.
c wa: yeah, you could probably teach a monkey to do it.
c wu: you could teach a RETARDED monkey to do it correctly.
c wa: man, that's harsh. i have never heard mention of a retarded monkey.

i started laughing as i was walking out. AND, for the first time ever, john actually waved bye to me as i exited.

04 March 2008

took the words right out of my mouth

(Warren Buffet on government intervention plans for the current housing market)

"QUICK: Any of the intervention plans we've seen from the government strike you as being a good idea?

BUFFETT: Well, that -- I haven't seen the details on many of them, but I think it's very hard to start interfering with markets without having a whole lot of unintended consequences."

03 March 2008

coffee talk

super: "did you go to coffee talk?"

chi: "no. i don't drink coffee."

looking confounded and frustrated, supervisor walks away. subordinate snickers. five seconds later, supervisor returns to subordinate's cubicle area.

super: "you know it's not about the coffee, right? you should go to these kinds of things."


i really like my new supervisor. i can't understand him half of the time, and he has no idea where i am coming from. but three weeks ago, after months of mild intimidation and minor offenses, i finally figured out that he really does mean well.

The take of a Chinese American tween living in Los Angeles